Introduction to user interface

Table of Contents

Introduction Page

Once the toolbox is opened, the disclaiming page is shown. Besides the disclaimer message, additional information regarding supported browsers, the objectives of the Hotmaps project, the link to the Hotmaps project website and the data repositories is provided.

intro_gif Fig. 1 Short introduction to Hotmaps toolbox

The Hotmaps GUI is a GIS-based interface. By closing the disclaiming page, the user sees the map of Europe. By default, the heat demand density map of EU-28 countries and NUTS 2 boundaries are depicted. In addition to these two maps, some tools and buttons can be seen in GUI. These tools are illustrated in the following figure.

first_glance Fig. 2 Initial Page

Here you can spot at first glance 3 parts of the user interface:

  1. a toolbar to the top left,
  2. the map itself,
  3. some tools for changing the style of the map.
  4. two links on the top right: to this Hotmaps Wiki and to the Hotmaps Project website.

In the following chapters, the first 3 points are explained in detail.

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Upper Toolbar


With this toolbar you can:

  1. Connect: register and login into the web application in order to save your work,
  2. Go To Place: zoom in to a specific region by typing the name,
  3. Layers: show the layer sidebar,
  4. Selection Tools: enable or disable the selection tools,
  5. Show Result: show the result sidebar of your selected regions,
  6. Feedback: give us feedback regarding the tool,
  7. Save Session: you can save selected layers and zoom level and recall them later one,
  8. Save Session Folder: where you can see the list of all saved sessions.

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Here you can:

  • Create an account
  • Log-in into your account to save your progress
  • Or reset your password if you forget it

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After registering and activating your account you should be able to login with your email and password (see Fig.4 below).



Fig.4.: Login Form

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Here you can create an account for the hotmaps website. After submitting the form you will receive an email for activating your account. With your account, you will be able to save your progress.



Fig.5.: Registration Form

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If you ever forget your password you can recover it under this menu (see Fig.6. below). Please be aware to set a new password afterwards.



Fig.6.: Recover Form

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Go To Place

You can zoom to a specified region by typing its name (see animation below)


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By pressing this Button a sidebar with different kind of layers is shown at the left.


Following layers can be found and visualized:


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Selection Tools

By Pressing this Button the selection tools will appear at the left of your screen


The figure below shows the appearance of the tools:


  1. Tool for the selection of regions
  2. Create a custom square region
  3. Create a custom circle region
  4. Create a custom polygon region
  5. Upload a GeoJSON object to use a custom area selection
  1. shows how many regions you selected
  2. shows the overall surface of the smallest rectangule that can cover the selected area
  3. shows the scale you selected from right toolbar
  1. button for loading the results of your selected region and selected layers
  2. button for deleting a selected region

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Show Result

Depending on the layers and region you selected results for your configuration are shown in a sidebar at the right of your screen


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Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the tool? Have you noticed any errors? Please let us know! By giving us feedback you can help us improve the toolbox!

Please fill out the form below:


To Top feedback.png

you can choose from following types:


and set a priority:


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Save Session

you can make a snapshot of your work (selected areas and layers, zoom levels, etc) by pushing this button. You can also define a name and a description of the snapshot.

Save Session Folder

Here you see all your snapshots with their names and description. When you select one the selected layers, areas, the zoom level and other configuration are loaded.


You can choose the territorial scale that you want to analyze (NUTS regions or hectare level) and set the tile of the map


There are following configurations possible


  1. Zoom in and Zoom out the map
  2. Show the NUTS boundaries to select specific NUTS regions or use hectare to customize your selection
  3. Use OpenStreetMap tile or Satelite tile

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How to cite

Jeton Hasani, in Hotmaps-Wiki, Introduction-to-user-interface (April 2019)

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Authors and reviewers

This page was written by Jeton Hasani EEG - TU Wien.

☑ This page was reviewed by Mostafa Fallahnejad EEG - TU Wien.

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Copyright © 2016-2020: Jeton Hasani

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 International License.

SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0


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We would like to convey our deepest appreciation to the Horizon 2020 Hotmaps Project (Grant Agreement number 723677), which provided the funding to carry out the present investigation.

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